Reply to post: She turned me into a newt!

Amazon staffers protest giant's 'support of the surveillance state'

IT Angle

She turned me into a newt!

As this was an item about Amazon (principally Amazon U.S. too), I feel it severely remiss of those discussing Brexit not to have shoehorned in mention of Blockchain.

If you're going to railroad the discussion and divert it to something utterly unrelated to the topic in hand for the purpose of venting your spleen to the distress of many and ultimate benefit of none, you could at least do it properly; it's annoying AF to find that I'm only exasperated at you rather then seething with rage - in fact, I might even be more annoyed by that than I am by the constant ineffectual frothing at the gob about Brexit itself, by armchair pundits who could have put the ball in the back of the net better themselves if only the ref weren't bent (and they could actually play football themselves rather than being lard-arsed slobs that is).

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