Reply to post: Re: Stream the schools not the children

Do wonks understand sci-tech skills gap? MPs dish out Parliamentary kicking

IT Hack

Re: Stream the schools not the children

If our powers that be really gave a figs ear regarding the education of our nation we would not be having this discussion.

Grammar schools are not effective if you want to have a real open and democratic country (the number of MP's who went to comprehensive schools stood at 51% in 2017 -

The issue is actually quite simple to resolve. Problem is that it costs money and of course spending money on investing in the strategic future of the country is clearly socialist and utterly barmy magic money tree.

Kids are kids and have friends throughout their childhood. So why break those relationships up when instead those who need coaching get the required amount and those who are brighter or have specific educational needs or challenges get the support they need from their teachers but...shock horror their own friends! Imagine that!

Another huge error was made when idiots decided that renaming polytechnics to universities would be a good idea coz now we can offer degree courses in fucking golf fucking course fucking design.

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