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JURI's out, Euro copyright votes in: Whoa, did the EU just 'break the internet'?


Oh yeah – Cory Doctorow, I remember him – his website has a shop now.

Things change.

There was this thing called the industrial revolution.

History moving forward.

Big factories, pumping out crap into the air and the rivers – horrible unsafe working conditions – large companies making lots of money exploiting the easily exploitable and dumping their externalities on the rest of society.

Presumably the thinking at that time was that if you can't make it with your outdated agrarian labouring skills then you need to adapt. If the air is a bit poisonous then just man up because this is how things are now – work with it – don't hark back to a bygone age when the air was breathable, the rivers had fish and kids didn't need to work 18 hour shifts on dangerous machinery just to eat.

You can't turn the clock back man.

Things changed again though – as they do.

Incidentally, have you not noticed that things have started to change in the world of digital content?

People are paying.

Spotify. Netflix.

There's even money in recorded music again.


Lots of creative people in the music and TV production world busily and happily adapting to this new reality.

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