Reply to post: Re: Avoidance

Microsoft CEO wades into ICE outcry: Cool it, we only do legacy mail

Warm Braw

Re: Avoidance

laws in the U.S. are really more like guidelines

All laws in relatively democratic countries are like guidelines as they depend on widespread consent for their application and enforcement. If you don't have consent for a policy, then the process that controls the policy is largely irrelevant.

There is, of course, the wider philosophical point that the people entering the US to settle aren't US citizens and didn't get a vote on the laws, much as most of the people who have historically entered the US to settle weren't US citizens and didn't care what the local laws were. If a new population wants to displace the current one, law is irrelevant: the only thing that matters is how effective they are. My bet is that the migrants are the more hightly motivated.

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