Reply to post: Re: obvious solution ...

Um, excuse me. Do you have clearance to patch that MRI scanner?


Re: obvious solution ...

The closest you could probably get is a set of separate VLANs for medical devices with NAC and a heavily locked down layer2 firewall. Given that WannaCry by all accounts only affected admin functions this may already be the case. However you still have to protect the admin network otherwise patients don't get their ops/scans etc.

It seems like it was the admin net that was the source and the major victim in this case - and that matches the experience when my SO had a serious illness - the medical side was fine, but the admin was so woeful and creaky at the hospital she was diagnosed (to the extent that had to *fax* critical docs between departments on the same site, and managed to lose her entire case history) that we demanded she was moved to another (UCH) which was vastly better.

NHS has amazing staff and medical expertise but the inconsistency of admin procedures, tools and more importantly investment across the estate seems to be the major breaking point.

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