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EU negotiator: Crucial data adequacy deal will wait until UK hands in homework

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Doctor Syntax,

The EU has never been the main vehicle for security in Europe. Certain people wished that it were, but mostly couldn't persuade people. And where the EU has done security things, it's had mixed success. Most EU thinktanks and policy wonks have agonised for decades over how the EU can be so effective as an economic power, while so ineffective as a diplomatic/military one.

EU security cooperation has increased in the last ten years. Particularly over policing. But cooperation over terrorism has been pretty poor in places, and much of it has been done in ad hoc groups of national intelligence/policing agencies working together.

The UK are leaving. This means making a new agreement. I don't really understand why the Commission are trying to make this an issue. When a few people around May starting hinting that a bad Brexit deal would mean less security cooperation there was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth from over the channel. This was apparently the UK being evil and should be stopped at once. Which it pretty much was. With the stab-in-the-back over Galileo and now this loud trumpeting of what are probably relatively minor difficulties in intelligence sharing, I'm not quite sure what the Commission think they're up to?

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