Reply to post: Re: Disagree....

What's all the C Plus Fuss? Bjarne Stroustrup warns of dangerous future plans for his C++

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Disagree....

> There's always PHP.

Actually, PHP is the dynamically typed cousin of C++. Like C++ and ObjectiveC, PHP originates from the C syntax and C standard library (and Perl stuff). PHP is very similar to C++ in so many ways, some devs hate it for some reasons or another, just like C++. Overall, PHP and C++ are multi-paradigm languages that offer more and compile to faster machine code than competitive languages. The language syntax is not always nice and its standard library has grown over decades. It speaks for itself that 95% of all consumer GUI applications on desktop/notebook are written in C++ and 85% of all websites are coded in PHP. And the reason why ObjectiveC and Java are so common on iOS and Android is, because they are forced upon those devs. C++ is a alien there, with no proper platform first party support. But is often used behind the scene to power cross platform native libraries.

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