Reply to post: Re: Я невиновен, товарищ!

Sir, you've been using Kaspersky Lab antivirus. Please come with us, sir

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Я невиновен, товарищ!

What does Microsoft's licensing have to do with Kaspersky spying for the FSB or GRU?

Maybe US spying vs Russian spying? Judging by the conversation you're very happy to accept the US arguments of spying without any evidence, but seem to have a problem with applying the same principle to a US organisation that hasn't even bothered to hide what it's doing now, but which even was found to have rather interesting keys in its code.

And there's Google, of course. And Facebook. And Skype has been spying on every text message well before they camouflaged it with a site preview (discovered in Germany).

Maybe it's just me, but it's a frequently exercised tactic in especially Trump world to start hollering about somebody else if you need people distracted from what you're doing yourself. It has by now almost become reflexive to ignore the noise and start looking at what they want to distract from.

I can also understand why Kaspersky has to go. Thanks to Trump, the US has dug so deep a hole that they NEED espionage to give them a heads up where trouble will start for the US, because it's coming. Both Russia and China have effectively been given a free pass by The Orange One to the point that I'm wondering just who planned this one out - it sure as hell can't have been Trump.

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