Reply to post: Re: Being sensible

Swiss cops will 'tolerate' World Cup rabble-rousers – for 60 minutes

ArrZarr Silver badge

Re: Being sensible

The whole document made me very glad I don't live in Switzerland. Why is it the Government's place to dictate how you live your life?*

However, it says that "admissible" noise specifies Mowing the lawn between 08:00 and 22:00 on working days rather than any day and explicitly says no to noisy DIY on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

On the other hand, I do like the dig at people who have their music on far too loud calling out that volume isn't the same thing as quality. I'm sure many card carrying members of the audiophile community would take issue with that statement with their silver/gold/platinum solid/coated power cables.

*Although this could be extended to the British Government too

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