Reply to post: Re: Adventures in a NEW Android 6 Phone

Android users: Are you ready for the great unbundling?

Mr Han

Re: Adventures in a NEW Android 6 Phone

For less slurpy apps try these:

First off get F-Droid, then use this to get Yalp Store.

Use these to download alternative apps such as Simple Calendar, Simple Gallery, Here Maps, OSMand, QKSMS, K9-Mail, VLC, Newpipe (for downloading YT), Webtube (for viewing YT), Total Commander or alternatively Ghost Commander (FOSS), and MUpdf.

Always start with F-Droid for no slurp FOSS apps, then Yalp store will give you access to Play Store for the rest.

Yalp store gets you access to Firefox and then you can install Noscript and U-Block.

I also recommend MOAAB to replace your hosts file (needs root).


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