Reply to post: politician talking to skeptic security expert

Australia wants tech companies to let cops 'n' snoops see messages without backdoors


politician talking to skeptic security expert

Politician: We need access to some communications between x and y ... give us the master key

SecExpert: There is no master key ... Let me tell you how it works ..

Politician (thinking in the mind) : Oh! She started again!!

Politician: Lets cut to the chase .. give me a way to access communication between x and y .. whatever it takes..

SecExpert: I do not own the keys for the communication ... the keys are owned by the users and its a breach of trust if i give it to you.

Politician: Do you know whom you speaking to? How come you do not trust us ?

SecExpert: Maybe I trust you but i do not know how can i trust the institution and its future staff from misusing this powers ...

Poitician: How can you not trust the constitution makers? We ll amend the constitution and we ll see you then.

Meanwhile, in the other part of world:

Terrorist1: Shall we use whatsapp to send messages?

TerroristSecExpert: What! Are you mad? We ll use this android app which i developed in past few days which uses our own generated public/private key pairs.

Terrorist1: I want those poo emojis in that app ... do you have it?

TerroristSecExpert (rolling her eyes)...

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