Reply to post: I didn't mean to brand all actors involved in supply as......

nbn™ CEO didn't mean to offend gamers, just brand them unwelcome bandwidth-hogs

Anonymous Coward

I didn't mean to brand all actors involved in supply as......

RE NBN, Government, totally nonsense of everything involved......

I just meant they the people involved don't realist the magnitude of what they are doing as for e.g. OEM software (among others) that hardware relies on is being moved onto the Web rather than being supplied on removable disk of some kind.

Making the user needing large downloads - just check out the size of o/s .iso's or Audio DAW software and support files you have to download, many GB's worth !!!

Many software companies like the fact you are dependent online for their software and then can disenfranchise the users and force paid upgrades etc by not supplying permanent disk sources of software. Ending support with deliberate holes and bugs rendering many vulnerable or unable to function as expected as represented at the time of purchase.

Then there's the fact people are being pushed to do financial and other transactions online all becoming more dependent upon internet and some middle position just flips somehow and upends your capacity to function.

It's all too fragile and tentative.

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