Reply to post: Silly wabbits

Intel claims it’s halved laptop display power slurpage


Silly wabbits

It's not the display power (well it is, bu) - it's the power budget as defined by OEMs. Batteries that were worse than now lasted longer than now "back in the day" - up until OEMs found that a more performant system sold better even with reduced battery time; it's crept down steadily, and with few exceptioins, monotonically.

To the extent intel has any control at all - they'd love to sell more-faster you-name-it other silicon and battery life is someone else's problem. If in fact they now have an acceptable display that draws less power, OEMs will just use it up (and more) in other faffery. Those who forget history...rhymes.

With tech from what was a perfectly good old samsung flip phone that had a calc app and voice recog good enough to dial a number (and other junk never used) - battery life was days, and not on standby.

Batteries were worse then (NiMH!), as were cpus and displays. What's that tell you?

Glad I gave the things up long ago. I don't need to be the entertainment for anyone who has my number and is bored - my time is MINE to waste as I please.

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