Reply to post: Re: Two scroll wheels?

Linus Torvalds decides world isn’t ready for Linux 5.0


Re: Two scroll wheels?

It had a trackball where you might expect to find a scroll wheel

It wasn't a track ball as-such - it was a small rubber nipple (stop smirking at the back or we'll put it all away and get on with some written work) with some sort of sensor underneath, but I don't think it was a ball. They were very effective in-use... for the 2 weeks it took for the scroll nipple to die.

Having become used to the ability to side-scroll, though I borrowed one of their Magic Mouse things to try instead (a mouse whose entire surface was touch-sensitive). It quickly became apparent that they'd named it that way because you needed the dexterity and slight-of-hand of a magician to be able to hold and move the mouse without it registering numerous erroneous button clicks and scrolls. The only option was to hold it tentatively 'twixt thumb and little finger with the rest of your hand hovering above it in an RSI-inducing crab-like fashion.

I gave it back and got a Logitech - it must be 7 years old but it's still going strong.

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