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Boffins quietly cheering possible discovery of new fundamental particle: Sterile neutrino

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Possibly a Stupid Question...

Dark matter and dark energy are constructs to try and explain deficits in the current theories.

People love saying that but that doesn't mean there really isn't dark matter and dark energy. Though personally I think the explanation may be more simple - when presented with the idea of gravity spacetime is always shown as a flat sheet, with a planet or star 'weighing down' the sheet and thus curving spacetime.

But who says the sheet is flat in the absence of matter? If is wrinkled, you'd get the clumpy/stringy large scale matter map we've observed - the "dark matter" is pre-existing wrinkles in spacetime, and the gravity of those wrinkles are what drew matter in and caused galaxies and clusters of galaxies to form in there.

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