Reply to post: Re: Logistics software?

Your F-35s need spare bits? Computer says we'll have you sorted in... a couple of years

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Logistics software?

Combining two areas of concern, Logistics with Software. (See posts above.)

I'd rather have an office next to a bomb disposal workshop than be within the half-mile disaster radius of Logistics Software.

"Did you order the replacement parts?"

"No, the software says that you've used zero. So it predicts zero usage."

"There's none in stock. We've been grounding aircraft."

"So you've not used any. See?"

"Correct. Of the zero stock, we've been issued zero."

"The software is very advanced. Beyond human comprehension."

"Not just a linear extrapolation then? Can you enter negative five, just there?"

"Yep, oh look. It's ordering five now. They'll be here on Monday."


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