Reply to post: @Baldrickk Re: QA's Fault?

A Reg-reading techie, a high street bank, some iffy production code – and a financial crash

Nick Kew

@Baldrickk Re: QA's Fault?

A little over 30 years ago I encountered similarly-obvious errors in production code, for controlling satellites in Earth orbit.

I fixed an error. Unit tests blew up: my fix caused a fail. Uh-oh, trouble. If I go fixing the unit tests to accommodate my code fix, I'm jeopardising the whole framework: marking my own homework! And when you're the young grad just doing the work, you're not expected to tell your seniors the whole edifice is rotten.

I concluded in retrospect, it was unit tests that effectively caused the problem. Programmer goal had shifted from "get it working" to "get it through the tests". And as the tests were more complex than the code itself, so they were also more error-prone.

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