Reply to post: Re: I have but ONE wish...

Max Schrems is back: Facebook, Google hit with GDPR complaint

Charles 9

Re: I have but ONE wish...

"let the US companies (that farm, scrape and ignore your rights to your data) shut down in the EU. An EU one will take its place and export to the US. That way the US can then decide if it wants to use a product that suggests to abusing your data or one that doesnt."

That probably wouldn't affect a company like Facebook that has the Americas AND Asia in its pocket already (and if you don't believe me, look for Facebook in Asian dumbphones). Their inclusion is their very selling point, and the Americas and Asia combine outpopulate Europe, so they may be willing to wait and see if Facebook-starved Europeans who can't use it to maintain their Facebook-only contacts outside Europe come crawling back or risk walking on the Sun.

Until one of those European companies can convince Asian phone manufacturers to put an app in their dumbphones, I think it's going to be Interesting Times.

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