Reply to post: Surveillance state

You know that silly fear about Alexa recording everything and leaking it online? It just happened

raving angry loony

Surveillance state

So people bought a device that can (a) record their conversations and (b) call out and play that conversation for others and they're surprised that it does exactly that?

All code has bugs, especially since we live in a world where quality of code plays a distant second to quantity and adding new, untested features. Untested in any real sense, I'm sure they gave it a regression test or two. Maybe. Sometimes. If you're lucky. One of several reasons I quit the whole industry.

Definitely won't find me with one of those devices in my home. Sure, they can probably be convenient. Not just for the owner, unfortunately, but also for the advertising company that sold it, anyone that company has "deals" with, and of course for any script kiddie out there who relishes the fact that "security" in these devices is either tacked on as an afterthought, or even non-existent.

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