Reply to post: Re: So what is the deal with behaviour tracking

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: So what is the deal with behaviour tracking

>Can I, even if I wanted to, consent to this within the rules?

The point is its all about explicit and granular consent.

Explicit in that they need to spell it out succinctly, not hidden in waffle.

Granular in that they need to provide you with break-out of options, they can't bundle a whole bunch of consents into one or two options.

So, in your scenario, if a website had a box saying "I consent to behaviour tracking" and you tick it. Then that's absolutely fine. They spelt it out, they gave you a granular option and you took the action of ticking the box, hence giving your explicit consent. There must also be a mechanism for you to opt-out at any time.

What they could not, for example, do is have something like "I consent you to passing my details to the card company for payment, to the delivery company for delivery and to behaviour tracking" . That would not be acceptable.

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