Reply to post: Re: Almost no one

The great wearables myth busted: Apps never, ever mattered

Mike 16

Re: Almost no one

When I wear a watch (rarely, but not never) it is to tell time. More importantly, it is to be able to tell time with a glance not likely to be noted by the folks I am attempting to guide on a schedule. Pulling out a phone is bound to be more noticeable than managing to gesture as part of conversation and just _happen_ to place the watch face in my field of view.

It's not a smart watch, BTW. It's a windup soviet 24-hour watch. Never needs charging, other than being wound for under a minute for a day's "charge". Never buzzes to tell me that some marketeer has a VERY IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITY for me. Just tells time.

I will readily confess to not being most people, but long ago stopped believing I was unique or (equally improbable) universally representative of all people.

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