Reply to post: Re: inane perpetual ramblings about both Trump and Brexit

As Tesla hits speed bump after speed bump, Elon Musk loses his mind in anti-media rant


Re: inane perpetual ramblings about both Trump and Brexit

"When sensible people see stupidity it's their duty to point it out."

But in an article about how Win10 won't update if you have a certain model of Intel or Toshiba SSD in the machine? It's not relevant to the topic, adds nothing to the information being conveyed by the piece, and can be alienating to ~50% of the population (in this case US votes for Trump and UK votes for Brexit). And if you alienate people often enough they leave, which does impact your add revenues.

I think there needs to be a corollary to Godwin's Law (as commonly understood, at least) that bringing Trump or Brexit unnecessarily into a discussion means it is over and your position is void.

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