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Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04: Make yourself at GNOME. Cup of data-slurping dispute, anyone?

doublelayer Silver badge

I can't figure out exactly what Ubuntu is going to do with the data they have. We all know what that data looks like; it's a list of pretty much all the intel and AMD processors released in the last eight years with quite a few from before that. The ram table: 512mb, 1gbb, 2gb, 4gb, 6gb, 8gb, 12gb, 16gb, 24gb, 32gb, 48gb. I'm sure it'll be fun to see how many people are running it on something really old (They would see an intel core 2 duo P8600 for an old backup machine from me if I wasn't still on 16.04), but how is that going to help them. They could go to a lot more effort to figure out what users want by involving them directly.

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