Reply to post: Re: Internet task force takes IPv4 behind shed...

IPv6 growth is slowing and no one knows why. Let's see if El Reg can address what's going on


Re: Internet task force takes IPv4 behind shed...

I'll happily concede that IPv4 makes censorship more difficult, as so many sites seem to be sharing the same IP. Any country trying to ban things has a bit of a headache on their hands, as Russia recently found out.

The bulk of the problem as I see it, are the companies that haven't got the resource to put behind training on IPv6 and have no impetus to do it. They don't want to break things. The colleagues in the industry that I've talked with, are majority opposed to IPv6 and don't want to budge. The business, won't drive it, because some management doesn't understand it and what it means. While we've got NAT, there's no internal pressure to make it happen.

So IPv6 being a worthwhile goal seems to be inverse to IPv4 being a pain in the proverbial A. People are more willing to find ways around the problems of IPv4, than get on and change to IPv6.

Honestly... the only way I see this change happening, is if IPv4 is formally discontinued, and the issue is forced. Otherwise, I can't see things moving forward much from here. Whether that's a good or bad thing, is up for debate.

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