Reply to post: Re: Vaping is NOT smoking...

Off with e's head: E-cig explosion causes first vaping death

Jason 24

Re: Vaping is NOT smoking...

"No-one gives a toss about caffiene use, and with the correct delivery method - a non-combustible one - no-one should give a toss about nicotine use either."

You know, I can't say I've ever actually considered whether nicotine is beneficial on it's own, to often nicotine = tobacco = bad things.

A quick google search does show some benefits, do they out weigh the crankiness some people experience during withdrawal?

I've not said that vaping is bad, it's definitely healthier than cigarettes, no question. But if the nicotine is only being used to cure the craving for the nicotine then surely it's a pointless exercise? The "cure" (for cravings) is only leading back to the "problem" once the cure has left the body.

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