Reply to post: Re: Wut?

Wah, encryption makes policing hard, cries UK's National Crime Agency

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Wut?

"There is very little counter-argument to be had against "more regulation" for guns."

Obviously you, like half the people with opinions on the subject, understand very little about it.

It is very clear that in many circumstances, more regulations for guns will result in more crime and more deaths. Dragging this into a discussion of regulation of encryption confuses the issue, even though both forms of regulation are harmful.

Repeat after me, one hundred times "It's not the guns, it's the culture".

Where I live, we don't generally have the same culture problems, and gun regulations may well kill more people than they save... the numbers are too low, and the details of the data are fuzzy enough that it's hard to be sure.

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