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Openreach consults on shift of 16 MEEELLION phone lines to VoIP by 2025

Lee D Silver badge

Technically, nobody in range for copper should be out of range for fibre. The physics just don't support that.

It might cost to convert but it should be a one-time conversion for at least the next 50-100 years.

Mains supply? I think we're talking about the box near the customer converting fibre down to something on traditional copper + 47volt. Otherwise you're talking about ripping up every telegraph pole wire in the country and that's not practical.

No, they'll just fibre to the nearest exchange/cabinet, provide IP backend, and cut the "direct" access to the POTS... it will just go through a PSTN->IP convertor. It knocks out things like Redcare and proprietary protocols that run over the copper, but it shouldn't mean that granny has to even change her phone, let alone all the phone wiring in the house. And presumably said box is already getting mains and providing telephony voltages down the wires to power whatever may be at the other end.

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