Reply to post: Re: Grown up way of dealing with things

Engineer crashed mega-corp's electricity billing portal, was promoted

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Grown up way of dealing with things

Well, it it was working remotely it was up to the local techie to know what IP:port could be bound without issues - still, you should be careful when you don't have a clear picture of someone else's system. It was a shared mistake, with little consequences. Yet, it's good they learned that deploying into a complex network requires some planning and proper knowledge of the overall system.

That said, I never like too much to bind to (or its IPV6 equivalent), because if a new network interface is added for whatever reason (now quite easy with VMs), applications may become bounded where they shouldn't.

At least this application allowed to control binding - there are some that bound to everything without even asking you.

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