Reply to post: Re: The International element has been ignored in this debate

Date engraved onto net neutrality tombstone: June 11, 2018

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The International element has been ignored in this debate

In this case the last mile is where they can apply the fees. So if you go through them (the last mile) in or out or within US, they can discriminate fees.

Where as those outside, can do what they like (or not depending on laws). It's like the Big [Fire] Wall of China (the digital version). Everyone outside is unaffected, with the exception of traffic going through.

US can still charge a US customer extra for BBC world access, for example, if they wish. They would have full US authority to, and nothing/no one could (legally) challenge them. Currently, the ISP can only charge for access to "data/web" etc.

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