Reply to post: Re: Notepad++ @Baldrickk

Windows Notepad fixed after 33 years: Now it finally handles Unix, Mac OS line endings

Peter Gathercole Silver badge

Re: Notepad++ @Baldrickk

I said 'by default'.

Of course you can change these things. What modern software doesn't allow you to change everything about it!

But I just like to do the work I'm paid for, rather than fiddling around configuring the tools I have to use (note, I use about 12 different locked down windows environments using Citrix, and I would have to change them all separately). And, as I'm a UNIX/Linux person (and have been UNIX since long before DOS, let alone Windows existed) without huge amounts of in-depth Windows experience (yes, I use Linux exclusively on my home systems), I do not find Windows and Windows software intuitive to configure.

And, yes again, all systems have to have a default set of settings. I just don't agree with a significant number of those made by modern developers (like hard-coding ANSI escape sequences into scripts and documents!)

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