Reply to post: Re: Dumb drivers

Waymo van prang, self-driving cars still suck, AI research jobs, and more

TRT Silver badge

Re: Dumb drivers

""Tell that to a Central Line driver on a rainy day."

We need to replace those overpaid button pushers with automation ASAP."

The Central Line very often has to be driven in coded manual or even restricted manual because the automation (full ATO) cannot cope with wet rails and signal loss due to heavy rain or storm conditions.

Now, take your copy of the Daily Heil and go and shove it down a dark hole somewhere... a tube station, perhaps. Honestly... IT engineers, managers, programmers, eh? We need, ASAP, to replace those overpaid pencil and button pushers with... well... anything would be better really, wouldn't it? Surely we could build computerised systems which are 100% reliable and can cope with every circumstance, and be flexible enough to keep their services running in almost every routine eventuality... then we wouldn't need these people keep holding us all to ransom all the time with their £200 keyboard replacements and £79 battery replacements and ongoing software licensing fees. Oh, they can JUSTIFY that can they? Changing security threat profiles require a rapid response do they? Pull the other one, it's got "communication cord" on it. And just look at the TSB fiasco... it's a public service for goodness sake... people rely on being able to pay their bills you know...

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