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Virgin Media to chop 800 jobs in Wales call centre

Lee D Silver badge

If only there was an ISP who could offer their workers and telesales/support staff some way to work securely at home over the Internet?

Honestly, shouldn't "call centres" be dead by now? Just give them a home connection, and monitor every X calls at random to make sure they are doing the job.

Certainly, you would then be able to hire the cheapest labour available to you, regardless of location. And you're not telling me that it's any more expensive to pay for a business line to them, and give them the same IP phone and terminal as they have in the call center, when you're not paying rent, business rates, facilities, etc. etc. for a building to house that same equipment and personnel instead. Not to mention locally competitive salaries.

Remote-working is now PERFECTLY VIABLE for anything involving an ordinary computer and a telephone line. Hell, say that they have to have the web-cam on all the time while working, if you're that worried. They'll stick it in their spare room, and you could even snatch the customer call away from them and put it to any other operator immediately if you think their children screaming in the background is distracting.

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