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LLVM contributor hits breakpoint, quits citing inclusivity intolerance

Anonymous Coward

In the US, LGBTQ demographics vary greatly by state.

By the same metric, and playing the same percentages game: 13.3% of US population identifies itself as being of Black/African-American descent: US Census Bureau Population Demographics.

While at Facebook only 3% of employees are of Black/African-American descent.

So, according to your theory, Facebook should: (1) fire 50% of its LGBTQ empoyees. (2) fire 20% of its white employees. (3) hire more Black/African-American candidates unti they reach the 13% percentage. But they have to be very careful when hiring African-Americans: they can't hire too many LGBTQ African-Americans. Which, of course, can't be done without asking questions about the candidate's sexual orientation on the job application form. And that's illegal.

See, that's the problem with being a self-centered bigoted white male and crying foul while playing these stupid percentages game: no matter how you look at the numbers, white still is the dominant ethnicity in the US, at 61.3%. Kind of difficult to claim white male discrimination.

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