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LLVM contributor hits breakpoint, quits citing inclusivity intolerance

Phil Lord

"When someone says that the way to combat discrimination is WITH discrimination, all I see is a hypocrite."

Positive discrimination is a difficult one. On one hand, it is consistent and simple to say we should not do it because it's discrimination. And that's nice, but simple is not correct. Consider the use of positive discrimination in Northern Ireland, to stop the anti-catholic bias. Consider, the legal alterations for voter registration in 1960s in the US, to overcome an effective anti-black block on voting.

If you think that these things were hypocritical, then that's fine, but they were both effective in ending a violent and coercive status quo.

Is that what we have here? Not sure, but when you have an occupation which is 90% men, you have to ask questions about whether there is an effective block on women.

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