Reply to post: "I've seen a number of nations willing to risk angering the US"

Post-Facebook fallout: Americans envy Europeans' privacy – top EU data watchdog

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"I've seen a number of nations willing to risk angering the US"

In EU? Many don't like Trump - which mostly angers himself on everything -, but long time ties with US are a different matter. And just look at the Macron show in Washington. Probably, the only heavyweight critic has been Merkel.

Of course nobody is going to accept a trade war without doing nothing, because the price of doing nothing could be higher.

Still, giving asylum to Snowden is a delicate matter because of civil and military agreements - just look how the CIA agent who performed a "rendition" in Milan were eventually pardoned last year...., without much return but poking the US in the eye.

And after all EU governments, like all government, don't like whistleblowers much as well, and don't want to make their life easier.

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