Reply to post: What happens to Time Machine?

Apple grounds AirPort once and for all. It has departed. Not gonna fly any more. The baggage is dropped off...

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

What happens to Time Machine?

I'm still running 10.12, but TM works very well for me, currently to a newish Time Capsule. I have other backup tools, of course, including ones that use 'cloud' (ie the very wonderful Arq backing up to AWS), but anything that uses storage the other side of the DSL modem is not going to cut it for day-to-day system-level backup & restore because there just is not enough bandwidth. I also really don't want external disks I have to glue onto my laptop all the time.

So what is the future for this: are there recommended NASes? Are Apple going to recommend ones that work with TM, or are they just going to drop people who care about backup in the shit?

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