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Windrush immigration papers scandal is a big fat GDPR fail for

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Bottom line is forget GDPR etc.....these were important national/historical/social records that merit long term storage (a legitimate case for retention as allowed under GDPR...?) - think Ellis Island records for US immigration for our American Cousins, Parish records, Census data from prior centuary(ies) or even the Doomsday Book for goodness sake! Send to national archives, Somerset House or anywhere for long term retention just don't be dumb and destroy such unique & irreplaceable information. No one should have been in a position to authorise destruction - not even a Labour Home Sec or official under their control (contrary to article decision taken when Labour in power in '09 not Her Mayness - even if action actually taken post transition), blame for this should be shared not used to point to one side or the other, rather everyone needs to learn. Attitudes like this destruction point to next Dark Ages (but in this case without the nuclear winter?!)...

....oh, and don't rely on school records either! Am British born and bred and with long lineage (& Passport!) but in their position I may have problem. Found out last night that old school went through several transitions/name changes after I left and eventually merged with another local school and relocated to joint new site.....old school demolished some years ago and now no records available! :-( Sad....

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