Reply to post: Re: Life Aboard A Colony - Small Biomes are unstable

That's no moon... er, that's an asteroid. And it'll be your next and final home, spacefarer


Re: Life Aboard A Colony - Small Biomes are unstable

Show of hands - who has kept a fish tank? A 20-40 gallon or larger tank is reasonably manageable. The cute desktop 2-gallon tanks are a nightmare. It takes a much smaller change to knock the small tank out of whack, since that change is a larger percentage of the total environment. Thus, any imbalance tends to run quickly out of control. These micro-colonies will face the same issues. I wonder if it's even possible to create a sustainable, STABLE biome in such a small area.

Socially, the effect will be even stronger. Any small group of radicals will be a relatively large percentage of the population, giving them outsized influence. The population is relatively small, so it takes less effort to force changes on everyone. Biological concerns aside, I seriously doubt our species' ability to keep a stable society long enough to reach the target. Every organization formed with the best of intentions is eventually taken over by aggressive radicals intent on destroying the original founding values.

We need cold sleep, or we're stuck here.

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