Reply to post: Re: In the old days

Windows 10 Springwatch: See the majestic Microsoft in its natural habitat, fixing stuff the last patch broke


Re: In the old days

"Windows as a service". What an oxymoron.

A Service usually implies that something works and is usable - think about the phone, water or electricity services, etc.

Windows seems to spend most of its time being patched, rebooting and sulking when the next Bi-Weekly / Quarterly / Ten past 2 on Thursday afternoon update hits the street followed by the whats broken this time debugging. This is not a service, its a self inflicted denial of service.

When users can control what gets installed and when, then the business processes for which the machine was purchased take rightful priority.

The current approach is a bit like buying a car that is constantly in the garage for repairs. Most people would call that a Lemon. Perhaps that's what the next version of Windows should be call - Windows 10, Lemon edition.

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