Reply to post: some thoughts in java

Oracle whips out the swatter, squishes 254 security bugs in its gear


some thoughts in java

sometimes i think... oracle needs to maintain a team of engineers for java so they should have the right to charge for it, and i don't think java, as a client technology, is popular by any metrics (other than android) so most of it is used within the server room, generating revenue, so i feel it is fair for oracle to charge for the business use of java (the java users are paying for the stack of middleware anyway... if ibm can charge for websphere, oracle should be able to charge for the runtime too).

and, as a developer using java for 15+ years, it may be a kind of... inertia that it seems not much new static-typed languages matches the consistency of language syntax and availability of good code-suggestion facilities in IDEs of java...

but i do think that for any free oracle technologies in use, it is rational to think that sooner or later oracle will charge for it and any non-free ones, expect to be charged increase significantly over its lifetime.

i do remember fondly the developer-friendly sun micro which created the whole java thing. i was a fan of their techs (solaris, sparc, java...) but oracle keep squeezing the last juice out of them and many of them are effectively eol'ed already. and a business as big as oracle have the revenue to make java free, if not just for a bit of positive publicity. maybe it is just the rule of business.

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