Reply to post: Re: "It’s about pressing a button on your keyfob to find out where you parked your car"

There is no perceived IT generation gap: Young people really are thick

Lee D Silver badge

Re: "It’s about pressing a button on your keyfob to find out where you parked your car"

I find it much easier to just text my car, and it gives me a GPS link, which I load into a GPS radar app, which walks me to within feet of it.

Not a fancy car. Just a £20 GPS tracker box off Amazon tied to the radio circuits and a £5 / month giffgaff SIM and some free apps.

Also, it was great for knowing when my other half was coming back from her evening courses... I would activate the "text on motion" function once she was there, and when she moved it on her way back it would text me and I knew to get the plates ready for the KFC she would get on her way back.

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