Reply to post: Re: Brave New World

Exposed: Lazy Android mobe makers couldn't care less about security

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Brave New World

I would take it with a grain of salt when some writer for Mashable declares removable batteries dead. Writers are Apple users as a general rule; this one seems to be no exception; and they would see inevitability in this trend because Apple started it. Most consumers, on the other hand, would gladly accept a rugged plastic phone that's 1mm thicker if it has a removable battery, headphone jack, and one-fifth the pricetag. That's the future of smartphones after the novelty wears off.

Sealed batteries are fine if you've disabled all the battery-draining location-tracking spyware and get 4 days on a charge. But I think they're largely a concession to metal & glass phones, because you can't simply pop the cover off. In other words, this is just foolishness.

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