Reply to post: Dog-like intelligence

Boffins try to grok dogs using AI, a cyber-brain charter, a bot running for mayor, and more

John H Woods Silver badge

Dog-like intelligence

I have a weirdo sheepdog mongrel thing ("Megan Sparkle"). As with Joe, her (Labrador mongrel thing) brother, she was trained, when walking off the lead, to respond to vehicles by getting to the side of the road, and sitting until they pass.

I then got into the habit of podcast catch-up when walking the dogs. Dim Lab continues to dutifully sit - but Meg has realized that I am no longer able to respond to vehicles approaching from behind, and therefore runs back to herd me off the road onto the verge.

How near are we to this type of intelligence? Or that of Corvids (crow family)? My guess is absolutely nowhere flaming near. I'll start to fear Musk's doom prophecy of God-like AI when they can approach dog-like. I reckon I've got decades.

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