Reply to post: Re: Funny...

The true victims of Brexit are poor RuneScape players


Re: Funny...

Yeah, the market response to Brexit lasted all of a day as those factors were priced in by the big players, the next patch of uncertainty is when the deadline is actually up, the current economic issues have very little to do with Brexit and more to do with the general trend of world trade

Erm no the market response is still happening, it doesn't last just a day.

"A weaker pound" - is suddenly bad for the economy?

Yep can be we buy a lot of stuff in, including raw materials for manufacturing, the myth that cos the pound is cheaper our goods will be cheaper is not exactly correct due to this. Abroad you have less spending power.

"academic projects are ending and new ones aren't starting" - oh no Communists will have to find actual jobs.

You're right new tech, products and innovation make no difference to an economy. We do not need to create the next ARM holdings we can all work at McD's

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