Reply to post: Not quite correct.

B-Ark passengers to control most IT spend from 2019 onwards

David 132 Silver badge

Not quite correct.

'... in which a race called the "Golgafrinchams" needed to move to another planet. They put their smart and productive people onto two space arks. A third ark, the "B-Ark" was home to " telephone sanitisers,...'

Simon, you hoopy frood, you...

I think it was pretty well implied in the book (and radio show/TV show/souvenir tea-towel, what a shame they never made a movie SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP) that there never were other arks, and it was just a cunning ploy by the Golgafrinchans to get rid of part of their population. As I recall, the Golgafrinchans subsequently perished from an infectious disease spread via dirty telephone handsets.

But that's not important. The really important question is: what colour should this invention "The Wheel" be?

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