Reply to post: Re: Imagine..

Imagine you're having a CT scan and malware alters the radiation levels – it's doable

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Imagine..

Once upon a time, I went in for a CT x-ray scan. I was already aware that they have a reputation of being moderately radiation-intensive, but I also knew that it was not too serious.

The operator ran the CT machine once, and then she advised me that it hadn't correctly captured the data. So she ran the machine for a second time!!

At this point my imagination extrapolated into very dark comedy...

"Oh. I think I see a small indistinct spot. Let me run the machine again. Yep, it's a bit more distinct now. A small tumour? Let me try again. Yep, it seems to be larger now. Let me double-check the size. Oh yes, more distinct now, and it must be a couple inches across. ...That's strange. Is it growing? Let me check that again, just one more time. OMG!! It's at least a foot across now... Are we sure? One more scan... Holy Moley; it's huge now. Sir? Sir? Hello sir? CODE RED IN THE CT ROOM, STAT!!"

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