Reply to post: Re: A little bit too late to matter

While Zuck squirmed, Reddit revealed it found and killed 944 Russian troll factory accounts

Anonymous Coward

Re: A little bit too late to matter

"preponderance of evidence"

Dont make me laugh, its called war rhetoric propaganda.

Dont spew out about Russia and suddenly its "Russian Friendly"

All political leaks are "Russian", until proven they arent.

"Independence" movements are now "Separatist" - really, anything to smear opposing views huh!

"Cambridge Analytical" is responsible for some real shady sh#t, and isnt Russian.

Twitter is Cancer.

"US where the microscope has demonstrated beyond doubt that Russia" Really just like the Saddam's chemical weapons, I recall that being "beyond doubt"

And the "you too" isnt even an argument, One is a bunch of war hawks who offer nothing in the way of actual evidence to the public, and the other is historical documented fact.

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