Reply to post: Re: Protectionism...

Nope, you're still a transport biz, top EU court tells Uber

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: Protectionism...

"And once their investors wise up to the fact that Uber's autonomous vehicles will be very, very late to the market (if ever), Uber is history."

Currently, Uber is leveraging the capital equipment (cars) of other people at less than what it would cost them to have their own fleet. Given that, the bottom line is still glowing red. How in the hell are they going to make any money when they have to purchase/finance, operate and maintain their own fleet of even more expensive cars? Let's also factor in that people will be less respectful about the autonomous cars and leave all sorts of trash, vandalize the interiors, etc when there is no driver present. I expect there will be a lot of cars splattered in sick on the weekends needing to be washed out right away. Not a job I want and it's not something you want to leave until Monday morning.

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