Reply to post: Re: Feint?

Russian regulator asks courts to disconnect Telegram


Re: Feint?

> Isn't Telegram fairly widely regarded as potentially less secure than, say, Signal?

It is, yes - because it was implemented with unauditable 'roll your own' code by two mathematicans with no experience in crypto.

There does, however, appear to have been some sort of audit recently, but I doubt it was of the server code.

Moreover, iirc, E2EE is not the default state of affairs. I wouldn't quote me on that though as I've never used it and never will until it uses an auditable solution for very aspect of its operation and I'll be sticking with Signal myself until such time as Threema gets as good a bill of health from an audit as Signal does and I find a way of paying for the service anonymously (no BTC isn't anonymous, it's traceable in 60% of cases).

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