Reply to post: I Agree with @James 51

White House: Is it OK to hijack, shoot down, or snoop on drones? Er ... asking for a friend

Pascal Monett Silver badge

I Agree with @James 51

"exempt any actions taken along these lines from legally mandated disclosure requirements"

What for ?

We are presented with the message that drones are potentially used to communicate with prisoners, and do various nefarious things that a proper mother would shudder to think of, and are told that there needs to be power to shoot them down.

Well fine, I can get behind that, but then why keep the shooting part secret if it is for the Defense Of The People ? What is soooo strategic and National Security about shooting down a drone that is attempting to go over a prison wall ?

In a proper democracy, there has to be checks and balances. I understand that the check part is a nuisance to law enforcement, but if there is to be a democracy, and if democracy is what is supposed to be defended, then the checks should be welcome, not brushed aside or crushed under an iron veil of secrecy.

Democracy cannot function in secret. Dictatorships do that.

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